Supervisors of PSBB transition of DKI Jakarta went to SAE Indonesia on Wednesday (15/7/2020). The team consisting of South Jakarta deputy Mayor Isnawa Adji, Camat Pasar Minggu Arief Wibowo, Lurah Jati Padang Narip Aripin and all of its ranks ensure that the COVID-19 spread prevention protocol in the campus environment of SAE Indonesia runs according to the rules.
Head of Audio Department SAE Indonesia Yandha Krishna and Chairman of Next Akademi Foundation Ningsih Soedarmadji guided the team to discuss SAE preparations in organizing the study in pandemic era, courses and facilities.
The team also toured the campus facilities and check various signs and posters for warnings to always wear masks, clean hands, and maintain a safe distance for the prevention of the COVID-19 spread.
For now, SAE campus is only open to employees and some students who need access to studios and other facilities to complete the final task. For guests planning to come to SAE, it is recommended to fill out the form the day before so that security personnels can inform the campus management; And the number of guests allowed to access the campus is limited to not forming the crowd. SAE also plans to reopen the short course activities, which are delayed for 4 months, gradually. SAE Indonesia has also had a permit from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) through circular letter of the Secretary general of Kemendikbud No. 15 of 2020 which in addition to its contents is the guidelines for learning from home (BDR), as well as the guidance of learning activities when the education unit is back in operation. Later the course of practice will be re-implemented, but by maintaining health protocols; And like the reception procedure mentioned above, students who will be in college practice are required to fill out a maximum form one day before the day H.
The following are signs of deployment prevention protocol that has been installed in SAE Indonesia:
At this point, all those who come to SAE will be body temperature checked by security officer and fill out the present list from a computer that are already provided by the campus. If the person a day before has filled out the attendance form via online then the data will be displayed on the computer and can directly enter the campus.
Hand sanitizer dispensers are provided at points that are often skipped, and routinely replenished.
The reception desk is equipped with barrier and hand sanitizers; and a safe distance guide for visitors arriving more than 1. The receptionist in charge also always wear masks or face shield to prevent transmission of the outbreak.
About the Author:
SAE Indonesia's Content Writer