‘Morning Routine’ A New Single by Getch

Getch is the moniker of SAE Audio alumni Geddi Jaddi Membummi. After graduating in 2020 with a brilliant final proj...

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Jibril Illiyyin

Jibril Illiyin is SAE's Animation alumnus. Have worked on many projects during college; represent SAE and Indonesia...

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Mochammad Novaldy, Creative Entrepreneur

Amis A.K.A Mochammad Novaldy is an alumnus of SAE's Music Business class of 2017. He is currently actively developi...

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3 Production Houses Founded by SAE Alumni

Since the first semester of SAE's courses, students have been taught how to work in the creative media industry. No...

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Wisnu Ikhsantama: .Feast, Hindia, and Barasuara’s Record Producer and Mixing Engineer

Wisnu Ikhsantama is SAE Indonesia's Audio programme alumni. Now Wisnu works as a Record Producer and Mixing Enginee...

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